Countdown to the M9.0 earthquake in Japan – March 11, 2011

We were sitting in a coffee shop in central Tokyo when a few seconds before the M9.0 earthquake hit Japan on March 11, 2011, a centralized warning system suddenly announced that an earthquake was about to hit Tokyo in 54 seconds. I got my mobile camera out just in time to get the count down […]

Information from British Embassy

Telephone briefing from Sir John Beddington, the UK’s Chief Scientific adviser and Hilary Walker Deputy Director Emergency Preparedness at the Department of Health. “Unequivocally, Tokyo will not be affected by the radiation fallout of explosions that have occurred or may occur at the Fukushima nuclear power stations.” The danger area is limited to within the 30 kilometer evacuation zone and […]

NHK advises not to go out if it rains

NHK is reporting that there could be light radioactive rain tomorrow. The only advice they are giving is not to go out if it rains. Nothing more is being said about this at the moment.